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TOUR 2018



Yep, we sailed 2.560 NM to promote a sustainable lifestyle on the water. We visited marinas in seven countries while sweeping through 3 bodies of water: Skagerrak, Kattegat, and the Baltic Sea. We sailed with an electric engine, produced our electricity from sun, wind, and water, trawled for micro-plastics and we cooked food in our solar-beam oven. 25 young crew members, representing 9 countries and 5 continents joined the project on a hop-on-hop-off basis and contributed with their young optimistic energy.

Want to know more? Check out the blog archive from 2018 here

The originally planned tour of 2.000 NM...after arriving in Stockholm we counted more miles and it all stopped at 2.560 NM, despite the fact that we had to skip Rostock due to no wind.

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